Saturday, August 13, 2011

It is difficult to be kind to others.

Hello again.  I am finding it hard to be kind to others.  Everyone says it’s the right thing to do, be kind and all.  But sometimes death is creeping at the door of life and one feels too weak to be nice to others.  It is so easy to fail at being humane.  It is so easy to not be helpful.  If only it were effortless to give to your fellow man what they want and need.  Then there are monetary limits and limits of hours in a day and the need to rest after a heavy meal or workout.  Sometimes I feel as small as an ant compared to others in the benefits I could give to my fellow men.  Then there is the animal kingdom it never ends.  So many needs and wants and desires out there and all I care about is lying down and resting my heavy feet.


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