Thursday, March 26, 2009

My bucket list starts with: Convince people I care about them.

There are many things to do in life. I like what Jesus said Let the Dead bury the Dead.

Convince people I care about them.
I want to make people realize I truly care about them and their well-being. Having someone say you were a good person after you died is better than being forgotten or considered better for society in a state of death. In other words, when people say good riddance to your passing away.

Do what God wants me to do for him.
I believe God has a purpose for making each one of us. I hope I fulfill my destiny God wants for me to ultimately do. It would be a wasted life If I do not do what God made me for.

Find out what God wants for me to do before I die.
I am very curious what God wants for me to ultimately do, all I have as a guide since he left is the Holy Bible. In there he says I should love him with all my heart and love my neighbor as myself. The question I have is how to approach these two golden rules on a personal level. What do I need to accomplish in order to love God and my fellow human beings.

Tell others what I consider Important
I would like others to see my philosophy on life. I would like to paint a picture of my world view. I would like to share what is it about our existence that so astounds me.

Understand what makes others who are of another world view.
I want to understand where another might be coming from. I would like to understand the world view of a Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, communist, Wiccan, Scientologist, Croatian, Cuban African, Asian, Aboriginal etc.

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