Friday, July 13, 2012


Rant 2012 Jaime Luis Moreno This computer is cheering me up. I was lying in bed and I was staring at my right hand and ignoring the television. I felt like blackness in my soul. People are better left alone if you let them in on what is in your soul they might give you a comment you do not want to hear. I have to hold my tongue from visitors who always say uncomfortable topics. It is like people and relatives like to see one squirm in the face of uncomfortable topics. One has to deal with ones mental health every day and has to accomodate the variables of other's own poisons. How can one remain pleasant in the face of so many chemical variables lanced upon one's body and the burden of daily chores. Then you have to hear these preachers always saying one should strive for prosperity so you can tithe to them. Seems like they got a vested interest in seeing you prosper because it effects their bottom line. When I speak of chemical baggage I speak of bad food for one and sugar and coffee and drugs and medication. Then there is environmental pollution something that is difficult to control. And it seems like all the corporations have a vested interest in selling us bad food and selling products that destoy our lives. Some companies make a lot of money selling us things like coke and making us watch filfth on television and hear music that belongs in the trash and sell us clothes that does not flatter or turns to rags in a short time. Maybe the problem is that this apartment is too small and I do not have enough real friends instead of all these digital puppets I have. Please God help us and guide us. Let us follow the commandments.