Saturday, July 25, 2009

Feels So Good - Chuck Mangione

"Feels So good" by Chuck Mangione

I heard this song has a version with lyrics. I wish I could
paint like that. Portraits are beautiful. Portraits from across the web. One of them looks familiar, oh, its Marie Osmond. Isn't she a Mormon? The other is just a friendly looking person's senior picture. The one on top is a painting I am not sure from where. I like portraits, In the movie "Village of the Damned" the weird alien hybrid female child said, "eyes are the windows to the soul". Marie Osmond was not in it though, the lead actress was Kristie Alley in that movie. The girl in the pink outfit reminds me of a friend I had back in high school named Griselda Cantu. Griselda Cantu was not a mormon but she was a Jehovah's Witness and my aunt met her at the Kingdom Hall and her name is Maruka. The name Maruka comes from my aunt's godfather who was an arab in 1940's Northern Tamaulipas Rio Bravo Mexico. They said Maruka means Maria. I might have, in another parallel universe, would hav ended up married to her. I was in love with her. My aunt said, the person Griselda Cantu actually married in this reality, died young. There was some tragedy a few years into their marriage. Sad to hear that. There are two full moons in December 2009. People who stared at the moon were considered lunatics. Luna means moon in spanish. The moon is sometimes represented as female but in some other cultures it was represented by a male god. Wait, the earth is feminine also, with gaia and stuff. Mother earth Mother nature. Environment entymology comes from mind within a circle. Government comes from govern, or control; and ment or mind. "Government"="mind control". I like my government though; It is keeping everyone safe. God bless America, Land of the free! Stand behind her, and guide her, through the night, from the light, from above!