Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'll spend my golden years in Jerusalem Israel, along with a personal army.

I am not a Jew but I would love to live in Jerusalem, the city of David.

It is the most important city, That is where God is going to return.

'Man After Man: An Anthropology of the Future' will make you LOL

This book has some interesting ideas of future human evolution or cases that would make current plastic surgery monsters look beautiful.

Outlandish extrapolation of evolution. Causes laughter, sometimes nervous laughter from the awkward possible future human evolution.

My bucket list starts with: Convince people I care about them.

There are many things to do in life. I like what Jesus said Let the Dead bury the Dead.

Convince people I care about them.
I want to make people realize I truly care about them and their well-being. Having someone say you were a good person after you died is better than being forgotten or considered better for society in a state of death. In other words, when people say good riddance to your passing away.

Do what God wants me to do for him.
I believe God has a purpose for making each one of us. I hope I fulfill my destiny God wants for me to ultimately do. It would be a wasted life If I do not do what God made me for.

Find out what God wants for me to do before I die.
I am very curious what God wants for me to ultimately do, all I have as a guide since he left is the Holy Bible. In there he says I should love him with all my heart and love my neighbor as myself. The question I have is how to approach these two golden rules on a personal level. What do I need to accomplish in order to love God and my fellow human beings.

Tell others what I consider Important
I would like others to see my philosophy on life. I would like to paint a picture of my world view. I would like to share what is it about our existence that so astounds me.

Understand what makes others who are of another world view.
I want to understand where another might be coming from. I would like to understand the world view of a Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, communist, Wiccan, Scientologist, Croatian, Cuban African, Asian, Aboriginal etc.

Zombies! Board up those windows! Hide those crackers!

If the zombies are coming soon it will be time to board up those windows and stock up on water and food. I will also pray that God saves me from the zombies in whatever way he thinks is best.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Seat me next to the irritating talker, please

A quiet person staring at you might be racist and that would make for a very uncomfortable trip on a bus or plane.

At least with the talkative person you know what you're dealing with. A quiet starer might want to hurt you.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fool me twice, shame on beer kids

Baby Beer by Jeb Ro

Me and my brothers were pretending to drink beer and made our cousin get drunk when we were ten.