Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday, July 13, 2012


Rant 2012 Jaime Luis Moreno This computer is cheering me up. I was lying in bed and I was staring at my right hand and ignoring the television. I felt like blackness in my soul. People are better left alone if you let them in on what is in your soul they might give you a comment you do not want to hear. I have to hold my tongue from visitors who always say uncomfortable topics. It is like people and relatives like to see one squirm in the face of uncomfortable topics. One has to deal with ones mental health every day and has to accomodate the variables of other's own poisons. How can one remain pleasant in the face of so many chemical variables lanced upon one's body and the burden of daily chores. Then you have to hear these preachers always saying one should strive for prosperity so you can tithe to them. Seems like they got a vested interest in seeing you prosper because it effects their bottom line. When I speak of chemical baggage I speak of bad food for one and sugar and coffee and drugs and medication. Then there is environmental pollution something that is difficult to control. And it seems like all the corporations have a vested interest in selling us bad food and selling products that destoy our lives. Some companies make a lot of money selling us things like coke and making us watch filfth on television and hear music that belongs in the trash and sell us clothes that does not flatter or turns to rags in a short time. Maybe the problem is that this apartment is too small and I do not have enough real friends instead of all these digital puppets I have. Please God help us and guide us. Let us follow the commandments.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Yeah I am a real computer genius right…  I got a wonderful new computer a couple of weeks ago and I am such a computer genius.  After installing and connecting everything and setting it up just right my roomate noticed something strange about the setup.   He said did you know you have the computer tower upside down?  I said no.   He said he fixed it and put it rightside up. 


Saturday, August 13, 2011

It is difficult to be kind to others.

Hello again.  I am finding it hard to be kind to others.  Everyone says it’s the right thing to do, be kind and all.  But sometimes death is creeping at the door of life and one feels too weak to be nice to others.  It is so easy to fail at being humane.  It is so easy to not be helpful.  If only it were effortless to give to your fellow man what they want and need.  Then there are monetary limits and limits of hours in a day and the need to rest after a heavy meal or workout.  Sometimes I feel as small as an ant compared to others in the benefits I could give to my fellow men.  Then there is the animal kingdom it never ends.  So many needs and wants and desires out there and all I care about is lying down and resting my heavy feet.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Don't feel like going

Don't feel like going to the doctor. Scared to go to the doctor because the person who will drive me there does not make stops at stop signs. I hate being a car passenger. I wish I could always be in control of trasporting myself but alas I am a loser who needs help. I should pray to
God for guidance. Jesus.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Feels So Good - Chuck Mangione

"Feels So good" by Chuck Mangione

I heard this song has a version with lyrics. I wish I could
paint like that. Portraits are beautiful. Portraits from across the web. One of them looks familiar, oh, its Marie Osmond. Isn't she a Mormon? The other is just a friendly looking person's senior picture. The one on top is a painting I am not sure from where. I like portraits, In the movie "Village of the Damned" the weird alien hybrid female child said, "eyes are the windows to the soul". Marie Osmond was not in it though, the lead actress was Kristie Alley in that movie. The girl in the pink outfit reminds me of a friend I had back in high school named Griselda Cantu. Griselda Cantu was not a mormon but she was a Jehovah's Witness and my aunt met her at the Kingdom Hall and her name is Maruka. The name Maruka comes from my aunt's godfather who was an arab in 1940's Northern Tamaulipas Rio Bravo Mexico. They said Maruka means Maria. I might have, in another parallel universe, would hav ended up married to her. I was in love with her. My aunt said, the person Griselda Cantu actually married in this reality, died young. There was some tragedy a few years into their marriage. Sad to hear that. There are two full moons in December 2009. People who stared at the moon were considered lunatics. Luna means moon in spanish. The moon is sometimes represented as female but in some other cultures it was represented by a male god. Wait, the earth is feminine also, with gaia and stuff. Mother earth Mother nature. Environment entymology comes from mind within a circle. Government comes from govern, or control; and ment or mind. "Government"="mind control". I like my government though; It is keeping everyone safe. God bless America, Land of the free! Stand behind her, and guide her, through the night, from the light, from above!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What I am up to

reading every so often, christian conspiracy stuff

Using Tangle mostly. christian videos.

clip from a movie I enjoyed.

have you seen the direct to video film "s. darko" ?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'll spend my golden years in Jerusalem Israel, along with a personal army.

I am not a Jew but I would love to live in Jerusalem, the city of David.

It is the most important city, That is where God is going to return.

'Man After Man: An Anthropology of the Future' will make you LOL

This book has some interesting ideas of future human evolution or cases that would make current plastic surgery monsters look beautiful.

Outlandish extrapolation of evolution. Causes laughter, sometimes nervous laughter from the awkward possible future human evolution.

My bucket list starts with: Convince people I care about them.

There are many things to do in life. I like what Jesus said Let the Dead bury the Dead.

Convince people I care about them.
I want to make people realize I truly care about them and their well-being. Having someone say you were a good person after you died is better than being forgotten or considered better for society in a state of death. In other words, when people say good riddance to your passing away.

Do what God wants me to do for him.
I believe God has a purpose for making each one of us. I hope I fulfill my destiny God wants for me to ultimately do. It would be a wasted life If I do not do what God made me for.

Find out what God wants for me to do before I die.
I am very curious what God wants for me to ultimately do, all I have as a guide since he left is the Holy Bible. In there he says I should love him with all my heart and love my neighbor as myself. The question I have is how to approach these two golden rules on a personal level. What do I need to accomplish in order to love God and my fellow human beings.

Tell others what I consider Important
I would like others to see my philosophy on life. I would like to paint a picture of my world view. I would like to share what is it about our existence that so astounds me.

Understand what makes others who are of another world view.
I want to understand where another might be coming from. I would like to understand the world view of a Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, communist, Wiccan, Scientologist, Croatian, Cuban African, Asian, Aboriginal etc.

Zombies! Board up those windows! Hide those crackers!

If the zombies are coming soon it will be time to board up those windows and stock up on water and food. I will also pray that God saves me from the zombies in whatever way he thinks is best.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Seat me next to the irritating talker, please

A quiet person staring at you might be racist and that would make for a very uncomfortable trip on a bus or plane.

At least with the talkative person you know what you're dealing with. A quiet starer might want to hurt you.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fool me twice, shame on beer kids

Baby Beer by Jeb Ro

Me and my brothers were pretending to drink beer and made our cousin get drunk when we were ten.